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Pink Super Full Moon

The biggest and brightest Pink Super Full Moon of 2020 will reach peak illumination at 10:35 EST,today, April 7th and it is going to be in the sign of Libra.

The Full Moon in Libra is asking us to seek the solace of our soul.
The Pink Super Full Moon in Libra is a Chance to Look Up. Have we ever needed to take a step away or get some fresh air? Have we ever felt overwhelmed by our surroundings or the problems we are facing? This is the time for a break.
This is the time for some space. During these times looking up at the expanse of the night's sky and seeing the Full Moon build can bring peace and clarity.
The Full Moon in Libra is Inviting Us to Change.
The Moon teaches us that there are phases to life. That things change and we too are always changing. These times are filled with many full blown changes and that can feel shocking to our human systems.
This is why looking at the Moon and remembering there is more to the Universe than Earth can give us some refreshing perspectives.

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