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Pain Relief Meditation

Throughout our life we all experience pain at some point. Sometimes it is physical, sometimes emotional and sometimes spiritual. Whilst we would prefer not to experience it, or at least keep it to a minimum it is part of life. Physical pain is our body telling us something is wrong. We should not ignore it, as we have to deal with whatever the underlying cause is. One should always seek appropriate help to do so. However, we can relieve or eliminate the pain. Here is a meditation to assist you in doing so.

Switch your phone, television, music, distractions off
Find a nice space
Sit or lay comfortably
Close your eyes
Breathe in slowly and deeply in through your nose
Breathe out slowly and deeply out through your mouth
keep breathing and relaxing
Then focus on the area the pain is
Pinpoint it exactly
What shape is it?
Get a clear picture in your head of what shape it is
Does it have a colour?
Get a clear picture in your head of what colour it is
What consistency is it? Solid? Liquid? Gas?
Get a clear picture of what consistency it is
Give the pain a real clear picture in your head
Focus on it for a couple of minutes making it very real
Imagine reaching your hand into your body and taking it in your hand
Imagine slowly taking it out of your body
Imagine holding the pain in body hands
Slowly roll it in your hands and turn it into the shape of a ball
Then throw it between your hands, as you would a ball
Then throw it away
Breathe in slowly and deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth
Bring your awareness back in to your body
Slowly open your eyes
Use this whenever you wish but please do not forget to get professional help for the underlying cause

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