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Naz’s crystal horoscopes

Aries: Jasper

Known as a ‘worry stone’, this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very anxious about the relationship between you and a friend or colleague this week. Overthinking your conversations with others - or sleepless nights stressing about worst case scenarios - may leave you feeling very depleted, and you may find yourself feeling slightly tearful too.
Taurus: Green Aventurine
Synonymous with luck and good fortune, this stunning crystal suggests you could find yourself feeling very hopeful about a new job opportunity, or relationship this week. Unexpected - but positive - changes in your finances can certainly be expected, and love could blossom between you and a friend or work colleague too!
Gemini: Snowflake Obsidian
Thought to help us love and forgive the people around us, this captivating crystal suggests you may need to distance yourself from a very toxic relationship this week. Disrespectful behaviour from friends or partners may leave you feeling very resentful, and you may need to listen to your head - rather than your heart - when it comes to your love life too.
Cancer: Opal
Known as a stone of love, loyalty and protection, this bewitching crystal suggests you may find yourself questioning a friend or partner’s loyalty this week. Secretive behaviour from friends and loved ones may leave you feeling very suspicious, and someone could surprise you with a shocking revelation about their past too.
Leo: Amethyst
Thought to protect us from other people’s negativity, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly suffocated by someone around you this week. Over-protective behaviour from friends and family members may leave you feeling very drained, and you may find yourself feeling slightly let down by someone around you too.
Virgo: Amber
Often associated with the sun, this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very uplifted by someone around you this week. Inspiring conversations with friends and colleagues may leave you feeling really empowered, and you may find yourself feeling very positive about the future too. Keep your spirits high by keeping an Amber nearby.
Libra: Jade
Known as a stone of friendship, luck and love, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly worried about a friend or loved one this week. Withdrawn behaviour from friends and family members may leave you feeling slightly unsettled, and you could find yourself attracting some unwanted attention too!
Scorpio: Rhodochrosite
With a rich and magical history, this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling incredibly drawn to a new person around you this week. Instant connections with new friends, colleagues or random strangers may leave you feeling pleasantly surprised, and there could be some exciting news about a pregnancy or engagement too!
Sagittarius: Turquoise
Captivating people’s hearts for centuries, this beautiful crystal suggests there could be an exciting opportunity for you to travel abroad this week. Unexpected invitations from loved ones may leave you feeling very excited, and someone could surprise you with a very thoughtful gesture too.Maximise the happiness around you by keeping a Turquoise nearby.
Capricorn: Tiger’s Eye
Synonymous with inner-strength and courage, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may need to stand your ground with an overly-critical individual this week. Heated exchanges at work - or with loved ones - may leave you feeling very frustrated, and you could find yourself snapping at a few people around you too.
Aquarius: Rose Quartz
Known as a stone of healing and love, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very protective of someone around you this week. Deep and meaningful exchanges with friends and family members may leave you feeling very emotional, and the bond between you and a loved one could become much stronger too.
Pisces: Hematite
Symbolising courage and strength, this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly frustrated with a friend or loved one’s ungrateful behaviour this week. Unappreciative behaviour from friends and family members may leave you feeling incredibly hurt, and there could be a disagreement between two people around you too.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, Crystal Clear, at

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