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How To Use Chakra Crystal Set

How To Use Chakra Kit

The use of chakra stones for chakra balancing can help you acquire energy balance that is essential to your overall emotional and physical well-being.

Chakra stones’ healing properties and meanings are unique to each stone. It’s important to remember that all stones and crystals possess their own vibrational frequency. To dispel chakra blockages and promote balance, you must use stones with a vibrational frequency that matches the chakra you are wanting to heal.

The most common technique for using chakra stones is known as the “Laying on of Stones,” It involves placing cleansed and charged healing stones on the body’s specific energy centers for a period of time.

How to Use Healing Stones

A healing crystal, multiple stones or gemstones may be placed upon each chakra. It is essential to lay stones of corresponding chakra color in the area that needs attention. Also, try to use healing stones with the same meaning as your intent, such as amethyst to dispel negativity or quartz to promote balance.

Where to Place Chakra Stones on the Body

Position stones beginning with the root chakra and move upward to help direct energy flow. If energy needs to be ushered upward toward the crown, all stones (especially those that come to a single point) are placed so they’re pointing “up.”

    •    Top of head — crown chakra

    •    Forehead — Third Eye chakra

    •    Throat — throat chakra

    •    Heart — heart chakra

    •    Navel — solar plexus chakra

    •    Pelvic area — sacral chakra

    •    Groin or feet area — root chakra

Additional Options for Stone Placement

You may also promote chakra balance by placing cleansed and charged healing stones near you — such as on your pillow as you rest.

Similarly, placing healing and chakra stones around your home can serve a dual purpose. Not only can these decorations be aesthetically pleasing, they can help dispel residual negativity and promote positive energy in the environment.

Cleansing Healing Stones

Healing stones must be cleansed prior to use. Cleansing dispels all the bad energy that is absorbed by the stone so it is refreshed. If you’re unsure how to cleanse stones, there are numerous recommendations and guides online.

How To Use 7 Chakra Crystal Kit

1. Select the chakra stones /gems /crystals that you will be using.

2. Clear your stones when you first acquire them, and then before every healing. Safe Ways to clear a stone exposing it to moonlight; running it under cool water; or holding it in your closed fist and "blowing into it" (blow into the small gap where your thumb and index finger are curled around each other) with the intention to purify it.

3. Put your chakra stones in a place where they'll be accessible to you you once you lie down.

4. Lie down on a comfortable surface. Attend to your comfort with a blanket and a pillow under your knees or head if needed. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and slowly into your belly (actually into the lower third of your lungs, but your belly will rise and fall if you're doing it correctly!). Set your intention for this healing session. If you're just going to work with one chakra, set the specific intention for that chakra. If you're going to work with all the chakras, set a general intention for this healing.

5. If you're only going to work with one chakra, place the stone over that chakra.

6. If you're going to work with the whole chakra system, you can proceed in either of two ways. You can start at the crown chakra and work your way down, in order, to the first chakra (sky to earth--e.g. for helping the recipient ground and center, alleve headaches and anxiety, manifest something on a physical plane); or you can go the other way, starting at the root chakra and working your way up to the crown (earth to sky--e.g. for raising the recipient's energy to a higher vibration, enhancing spiritual development, increasing physical energy). Don't sweat the direction choice--just go with what feels right.

7. If you place the stones top to bottom, have any points on the stones facing toward your feet. Conversely, if you're placing the stones bottom to top, place any stones with points so that the points face your head.

8. Some healers also like to place a stone/gem/crystal above their head and below their feet. You may also like to hold a stone in each hand.

9. If a stone doesn't feel comfortable or "feels wrong" or keeps rolling off once you place it, go with that feeling and remove it, either leaving that chakra without a stone, or using a different one.

10. As you place each chakra stone, you may want to set a specific intention for the healing of that particular chakra, sense the energy of the stone, and visualize its bright color and harmonious energy "tuning" the chakra.

11. After all the stones that you will be using have been set, simply rest for a while, allowing your chakras to be balanced and cleared by the chakra stones. Breathe slowly and evenly; empty your mind as much as possible, 

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