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Happy New Year by Sheila

Hello Everyone 

Well here we go again! But do you know what - I don’t know if it’s getting up early with my wonderful, crazy Rottie (Rocky) to take him for an early morning walk or whether I’ve just had an amazing awakening but somehow this new year was different, I shared personal loses with you (my mum) and gains (baby grandson).

I know from my readings that many of you have gone through similar challenges, I often talk about Everest and how some of our biggest and toughest bring the most growth. After all no one climbs that mountain only to complain ‘there goes 2 weeks of my life I’ll never get back!’ Of course not. They’re on their knees wafting a flag screaming ‘Woo hoo!! I did it !!’

So this year I’m in it to win it. I challenge you lot, yes all of you that start diets on New Year’s Eve only to finish them New Year’s Day. I know Ive done it. Those of you that want to get fit, redecorate that kitchen, learn to play a musical instrument. Etc. etc. What if ???

What if instead of listing HUNDREDS OF THINGS we just pick 2? One personal improvement and one thing that effects everyone 

I’m personally going to try to start every day out well and when or if things wiggle off track I’m going to try and wiggle them back, I’m going to breathe and start again from that point on and live life to the fullest. Relaxing days will be thought through and chosen well. Chores will be documented and planned and the unexpected? Well I’ll deal with that when it happens.

Last, but not least I’m going to make healthy improvements that are realistic. Myself and two very close friends are working on a project to lose excess weight and learn what made us get there in the first place. I’ll keep you posted because this year I’m taking back control.

Happy new year

Love Sheila xx

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