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Sit comfortably with your mother. Start to feel relaxed. Concentrating on your breath, take several deep breathe in and out, breathing in slowly and deeply and exhaling all the stresses and strains of the day.
When you feel comfortable and relaxed start to imagine a bright white healing light in front of you. Breath in its pure healing energy and exhale all the stress and strains of the day, feel the warmth of the amazing white light send a wave of relaxation flow through your entire body making you feel safe and secure.
Do this for as long as you feel necessary then when you are ready feel the light slowly drift away when you are ready open your eyes feeling refreshed and awake.
You can use this routine as often as you wish this will keep you focused and it will also help to heal any areas that need it the most. You can also use it to send healing thoughts to others as you go into the meditation think of that person you wish to send healing to.

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